
Academic Decorum Explained: How You Act In And Out Of Class

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Academic Decorum Academic Decorum Explained: Academic decorum is basically how you act in and out of class and if you are a person that would be a distraction.The decorum is also based on the teacher for example my english teacher doesn't want his students lining up at the door and those who do show a bad academic decorum,but those who do listen have a good decorum. Self analyzes: Where do I fall in this decorum well I tend to sit back and do what i'm supposed to do while others are being distractions this is most notable this year.How do I provide to the decorum is that I help peers when I can or do some extra work every so often for the benefit of the whole class learning experience.My own personal experience has lead to helping a few …show more content…

Student Perception:What is a student,is it a person who goes to a standard school doing assignments that they are given or are they people who just go because they are required to; well what I define as a student is an individual that repeatedly stays focused but knows when its alright to goof around or someone that follow instruction and uses their prior knowledge to make connections to other events or assignments.Do I fit under what I think makes a student well honestly I dont think I do because I could do so much more in the sense that when it comes to my school work I do the minimum when I could be doing the most,but like one of my teachers have said,”If you do minimum work you will get a minimum grade”,and throughout this year I will try to take that advice and strive to be a better student by do more then what is expected of me.A prime example of me not fitting the requirements of a student is that I have a GPA of 3.2 but this is low compared to what I had in previous years of 3.5 which clearly shows that before I stepped up and did the extra work that made me a student.If the previous examples that I have shown prior haven't convinced you my class rank is 98 out of 205 which is good but it could be so much better if I tried to go that extra step and do things on time and do assignments with the best work I can do and not just what is needed I could be with some extra work I can be an even better ranked student.In the end I don’t fit my description of a student but I

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