Accepting Successful Students Coming Up With A Loooood Reason By Veronica Roth

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Now and again, students complain about how they never have time to accomplish their goals and coming up with “a goooooood reason” (Roth 42). In the previous chapters, students learned the tools students need to be successful, but how do students put into action? Most people are scared to have responsibilities and want to back away from trying and putting in an effort. Students say and think that everything will be handed to them, but the successful students make their dreams and goals a reality by capitalizing on the opportunity. To be successful, student must be able to accept, adapt, and apply all they’ve learned from this book and use it in life. Be that great student or even person.
Accepting the fact that something must change for student’s goals to be put in action is the first step to reach the goal. Accepting new goals can be very difficult at times. Especially when it's making a change to life, or even the simplest goals. Students must accept that it will not always be easy and that they could possibly not have the outcome they expected. Create a supportive environment, relax, and brainstorm. This will help create the mindset students need to accomplish their goals. People and students fear their self-image more than their actions. Roth says, …show more content…

How do they react? What do they do? How do they fix this? Failure isn’t such a bad thing though. “Failure is good because learning really sticks to students” (Educational Leadership). Changing is a part of every student’s life. For example, going from high school to college. It is all about their perspective on the situation. If one thinks negatively about a subject, students already judging what is gonna happen with a bad attitude. If students are confident and have a smile on their face, then they can tackle any obstacle in their path. Do not ever feel alone, support from family and friends will always be on be on their side through thick and