Academic Standing Appeal Essay

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Academic Standing Appeal First and foremost, I would like to utmost gratitude for this opportunity to be able to appeal my academic standing, in order to continue my education at Iona. I am fully aware of my wrongdoings, and will continue to proceed to improve in my future years in college. It would be much appreciated if I can have another opportunity to continue to elevate my grades as well as improve myself as a person. Living and attending at Iona has been very beneficial on me as a person, it has allowed me to branch out of my comfort zone as well as create new ties with new people. However, it is unfortunate that these achievements have not reflected in my grades academically. As a student, it has been difficult for me to balance my time. Therefore, it has been hard for me to keep track of all of my classes. I was cognizant of the expectations expected of me before attending iona but; was naive to the true responsiblity I had to prove.Going away to college was a learning experience; and now that I have seen the …show more content…

As stated before, time management has been a big contender in the contribution of my grades. It has been hard for me to set a sleeping schedule due to the irregularity of my class schedule. Therefore, there has been countless occasions in which I have gone to bed late, or I have woken up late. Not having a set sleeping schedule had an effect on my work in class. I also have a big issue with my studying habits. I haven’t found an effective way of studying yet, which has hindered me in retaining anything that I learned in class. As a student it is important to have a studying regimen that is effective, however I haven’t found one that works for me. I have concluded that in order for me to further succeed as a student I have to find new daily routines that will yeild in positive outcomes in my acadmeic