Negative Impact Of Ocean Acidification On The Environment

997 Words4 Pages

Name: Ng Xin Yi
ID number: I14005408
Tittle: Acid precipitation and ocean acidification threaten the environment.

Ocean have maintained stable pH level ten million years ago. However, the pH value of ocean waters has drop year by year since the beginning of industry evolution. The impact on beginning of industry evolution lead to releasing billion tons of carbon dioxide gas and some other greenhouse gases into Earth 's atmosphere. The release of excessive carbon dioxide gas has been absorb over time by the ocean. It may be decrease the rises in temperature due to global warming but new research state that the emission of large numbers of CO2 into the seas is changing water chemistry and threaten the marine organisms, including …show more content…

The releasing of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide during combustion of fossil fuels. Sulphuric acid, ammonium nitrate and nitric acid are formed when these gases discharge into atmosphere and react with the water. Acid precipitation became serious during Industrial Revolution and first discovered by Robert Angus Smith, a Scottish chemist in 1852. He found out the relationship between acid rain and atmospheric pollution in Manchester, England. Acid deposition does not gain any attention although it discover in the 1800s until the New York Times published a news about issues happened in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in Hampshire. How acid rain causes soil erosion? When acid rain reaches earth, it flows across the surface and enters water system, and sinks into the soil. The purpose of this report is to investigate how acid precipitation damage the …show more content…

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