Act Utilitarianism: Jeremy Bentham

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1a. Act Utilitarianism. The creator of utilitarianism was Jeremy Bentham in the late 1700s. It was said he was the contemporary of Kant’s, additional Jeremy’s godson John Stuart Mill was most famous and influential of the utilitarian. Jeremy said that morality is based on “net utility”, which means creating the greatest good/happiness for the ample amount of people. Then for act utilitarianism it said that the right action will yield the highest “net utility”. How net utility works is that it’s the total happiness vs unhappiness, then you subtract the happiness from the unhappiness (H - U = NU). Here are the steps to applying Act Utilitarianism. 1.(add) Identify the ethical decision to be made, 2. List all possible optional action, 3, …show more content…

To start the main theme of virtue ethics, it states that it’s not the decision based on principles and specific matter but personal moral character. Basically, the person should matter mores then what I should do. There are three virtues/Hexis, which are compassion, wisdom and honesty. The time period is 400 BCE and here are our philosophers. The “Great lights” of ancient Greece. The first philosopher know as Socrates, was an oral teacher, consider a social irritant because he kept going around question everything “is this just, or is what the government doing right.” A martyr more for philosophe then religion. How it went was that the guards or someone had it enough of him and got him arrested. But the people of Athens weren’t furies at him I think they did see him as a sort of amusement or mascot in a sense. Even some guards left his cell door wide open and took long breaks, so he was given a chance to escape. But due to his honor and morals he accepted his death and never ran. Now he had two student Plato the best writer and founded academy. In addition to Aristotle a naturalist and scientist as well as best in thinking and an organizer. In virtue ethics the priority would be reason over superstition. The purpose the virtue ethics would give to you would be to find happiness and fulfillment. They also give the advice to find happy people and copycat their actions. because they believe that the happy fulfilled people are the morally matured. Together at the …show more content…

As stated above the family and widow is trying to get the sperm to use for a child. The happiness and fulfillment for the family and widow would be to have the child, so that the deceased live on and has a legacy. The happiness and fulfillment for the dead husband would be up in the air as to whether he agreed to this or would rather have not had been cut open for his sperm. The happiness and fulfillment for the hospital would be just getting this resolved and getting a happy outcome for the them and the family. The virtues called in for this situation could be gentleness, reason, rationality and self-control. To put this in the means of the golden scale would be for the extremes would be just flat out saying no and flat out saying yes to the sperm retrieval, in addition letting anyone use the sperm or making the dead husband a dead/unwilling donor. But the golden means to this situation could be one looking to use the suggested to make men who are 20 up or married to mark on their driver license or insurance/medical card that if they died suddenly, do they agree to the sperm retrieval process or not. Also, to add if they are a donor or not. The next golden mean, could be for the for the U.S to either make an official decision on this or make an official protocol for the hospitals to follow either be The Stanford protocol (limited role) which is basically the explicit evidence of consent need form the deceased. Or the Cornell Guideline, which are more like the standard