
Research Paper On Socrates

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After watching both videos, I now have a better understanding of Socrates. Before he became a famous philosopher Socrates was an average boy. Socrates was born 469 B.C. He was a son of a midwife and stone mason. During this time Athens was at war with Sparta. Athens was ran by democracy, the goal was to please the Gods. Socrates had no interest in the war. Socrates would run off to listen to theories of independent thinkers who undermined the Gods. As Socrates grew older he began to challenge democracy and the Gods. He believed the people made the world a better place not the Gods. He felt Athens moral thinking and virtues weren't good enough, he wanted a deeper understanding. He wanted to find the meaning of wisdom. Using ethics and morality as his …show more content…

His teachings questioned the Gods and the laws. He encouraged citizens to rationally examine every aspect of their lives. He believed every man, woman, child, or slave was equal. He learned that virtue is knowledge and came up with the concept "knowledge of human good." Socrates wanted to understand human existence and happiness. He practiced his theory studying human affairs, turning rational thoughts inward. He would walk the streets of Athens practicing his theories through conversation. His method was to play dumb (know nothing), break down problem into little thoughts, analyze, and put them back together. This would stir emotions, especially after his corruption of future leader Alcibiades. Socrates made sure to never write anything down he felt it was dangerous because it imprisons knowledge. This is why his practices and teachings were always oral. As leaders grew upset with Socrates. He was charged on two accounts one for him with impiety denying the gods and introducing new ones and another for corrupting the youth. The penalty for his crimes was

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