Adam Lanz Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre

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Adam Lanza was a 20 year-old who lived in Newtown, Connecticut. He was the mass murderer/school shooter of Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. He murdered 27 people including his mother, 20 children, 6 adults, and killed himself after. Understanding why someone would brutally murder so many innocent people is important and can also help in preventing other events like this from happening. This paper explores theories that can further explain Adam’s psychological state and the potential motivations he had to commit such violent behaviors. Crime Details The attack began in Adam's home when he killed his mother in her sleep by shooting her in the head 4 times. Adam then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School in his mother’s car. …show more content…

Along with his mental illnesses, Adam showed many behavioral traits that can be associated with antisocial personality disorder. These traits are categorized into the second branch of trait theory, the personality traits theory. Traits of ASPD include a lack of empathy, social isolation, and callousness, all of which reports indicate Adam had. He had difficulty forming relationships and displayed behaviors that were socially inappropriate or withdrawn. His fascination with mass shootings and violence was also a direct indication that he had a severe lack of empathy, a trait also seen in individuals with ASPD. An instance of Adam’s lack of empathy was that holidays couldn’t be celebrated normally, as Adam would not allow his mother to put up a Christmas tree. On another occasion, she had to get rid of a cat because he didn’t like it in the house. His mother explained it by saying Adam didn’t have any emotions or feelings, a possible indicator of alexithymia. His lack of empathy for others strained the relationship between him and his mother as during the time they lived together, Adam would only communicate with his mother through email. During one of their email conversations, his mother had asked him if he felt bad if anything happened to her, and he replied “No.” Overall, these conditions overlapped and increased his emotional and mental

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