Addiction Is Not A Disease Essay

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Many people have argued over the years about whether addiction is a disease or a choice. I personally believe it is a disease and not a choice. You may argue that drug addicts chose to do whichever drug they are hooked on so therefore it is a choice. But frankly, they did not choose to become addicted. The only thing they chose to do was to do the drug once. Most people do not want to get hooked on something, it just happens. Plus, different people are biologically wired differently, therefore they react differently to drugs. One person might try something once and be hooked instantly, while another person might have to do it three or four times before they become addicted. And then there are people who can stop just as easily as they started. It is not common for people to do that but I have seen it happen. I personally do not have a very addictive personality. Although technically I am a drug addict considering caffeine is classified as a drug. But this is the only addiction I will probably ever have in my life. Well at least hopefully. …show more content…

Addicts are viewed as weak and worthless because of their so called “choice”. It is sad to think that one bad choice could cause someone to be shunned by an entire nation. Especially because a lot of addicts become that way become that way because of some tragic incident. Look how many veterans turn to drugs or alcohol after they return from combat. They go from national hero to lowlife zero with one mistake. One bad choice becomes years’ worth of disease that often results in prison or death. Believing that addiction is a disease rather that a choice has its benefits: “if addiction is a disease then addicts are not to blame for their plight, and this ought to help alleviate stigma and to open the way for better treatment and more funding for research on addiction.” (American Psychological