Satire On Drugs

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It is very difficult to explain that drug addiction is a disease rather than a choice. Understanding drug addiction and why it happens will break the stigma of addiction. Society has associated the use of marijuana with drug addiction and with that it brings to mind negative things. Drugs users should be treated, not belittled for their use of drugs or having a drug addiction. Addiction is defined as a condition in which a person engages in use of a substance or in a behavior for which the rewarding effects provide a compelling incentive to repeatedly pursue the behavior despite detrimental consequences. According to The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) drug addiction is defined as “a primary, chronic disease of brain reward …show more content…

It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” ― Bill Hicks Why should marijuana be legalized? No, you should be asking “Why is marijuana not legal?” There is no real reason that marijuana should still be illegal. With all the medical benefits it provides and all the profit the state could make off of it when selling, why not? In the end, whether marijuana is legal or not I honestly don’t care. I don’t smoke weed so I am indifferent with the issue. Do I think the topic of should marijuana be legal getting old? Yes. I do think it does more harm than good to still have marijuana illegal. The government wastes money on putting people in jail for having weed on them, when there are serious crimes being committed (rape, murder, shootings, etc.), banning things makes people want them more, and there are proven facts that it helps with chemicals in the brain. It is the drug to go to when all other medication does not work, and it has been proven to cure cancer. Why in the world would you not legalize it? Oh yeah, because the government would rather take all your money while you suffer endlessly. I’m tired of always seeing this in the news. I wish the government would decide and just be done with it. But really, no matter what the decision is, people are going to grow, find, and smoke weed whether it's legal or not, so just save everyone’s time and money and legalize it already. I mean let’s face it, if it was legalized the economy would benefit more from