Addressing Disorders Case Study: Social Services

331 Words2 Pages
On 10/17/2015, CM met with Ms. Kristina Torres Cares ID# 748224 and completed Social Service Orientation. Ms. Torres entered BHWS on 10/10/2015 as a transferred from Franklin Shelter. Ms. Torres reported she was unable to meet with staff because she is employed and she leave the facility early and return to the facilitate before 10pm. Ms. Kristina Torres is a 34 year old Hispanic female. Client appeared her stated age. She was alert, satisfactorily groomed and dressed. She was cooperative in the meeting. She made eye contact appropriately. Ms. Torres’s mood was balanced, and her affect had full range. She was oriented to person, place, time and situation. Ms. Torres provided this worker with a brief synopsis how she is homelss. Ms.

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