Adnan Syed Persuasive Essay

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What would you do if you were suddenly accused of murder? Not a happy thought right, but this is what a teenage boy by the name of Adnan Syed had to go through. This young man at the ripe age of seventeen got convicted of murder of his ex-girlfriend. I strongly believe that Adnan Syed is innocent and did not kill Hae Min Lee. There was a lot in this case that did not make sense or did not have enough evidence to have rightfully convicted this man. There was the time frame that was almost impossibly too small or the key witnesses testimony full of holes and lies. Adnan’s alibi and Christina Gutierrez’s bad defense. The biggest advocate for Adnan’s innocence it the Innocence clinic. Although this case was in 1999 there is still evidence out there …show more content…

Jay Wilds was just an informal friend of Adnan, but has said that he was the one who assisted in this unlawful act. According to the recordings of Jay’s testimony, “The cops interview him at least four times that I know about. Two of those are on tape. And Jay also tells this story at trial – not once, but twice cause the first proceeding ended in a mistrial. So, at least, say, six times he's told what happened. And each time, some details shift.” (Inconsistencies). In Jay's testimony there was a numerous amount of details that shifted, therefore elucidating the impression that either Jay was lying to protect himself or someone close to him. In addition to this, it is a perplexing thought as to why Jay would be involved in this crime because him and Adnan were not close friends but rather mere acquaintances who occasionally smoked together. It is suspicious that Jay would alter so many details so that it would parallel the states timeline. Koenig maintains, “In the first taped statement, Jay says he refused to help dig a grave for Hae. Two weeks later, he says they both dug the hole.But then, there are other changes – bigger changes – where it’s harder to judge why the details shift. This one, for instance: In the first taped interview, Jay says Adnan only told him that same day that he was going to kill Hae. Two weeks later, Jay says that Adnan had started talking about it beforehand – four or five days before.” Jay changed his statement to later state that he was an accessory to the crime. He may have done this so that it would be easier to convict Adnan and he would get off scot-free. The change in stories could have been beneficial to Jay and they were definitely beneficial to detectives on the case. Furthermore, Jay’s lies were something that no one besides himself could prove unless they were corroborated like an alibi would have to