Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Federal Agent

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Boom! The door slams down, agents are rushing in the room yelling “put your hands up”! The suspect yells “don’t shoot” and drops his gun onto the floor. Today being a federal agent is very dangerous. Just think at what you see on the news about federal agents. If anyone wants to become a federal agent they must know the tasks, education and skills, and the advantages and disadvantages.
The job of a federal agent is very dangerous and serious. Federal agents investigate crimes and enforce federal laws. Sometimes federal agents monitor courtrooms to make sure nothing bad happens. They go undercover a lot to catch drug dealers and many other criminals. Federal agents often do raids where the agent breaks down the door and rushes into the house. “They even do search warrants in people's homes”(Criminal Justice). Lastly, they investigate in large-scale crimes such as, terrorism and drug trafficking(Criminal Justice). Federal agents for an “entry wage earn about $39,000-$61,000 a year. For a federal agents median wage they earn about $47,000-$61,000 annually. Lastly, for an experienced agent they earn $70,000-$120,000 A year”(Career Cruising). Being a federal agent can be hard you need to have lots of education and skills. Being a federal agent is fun but you need a lot of experience and education. “All federal agents need …show more content…

¨First, there are some pros and cons to becoming a federal agent one advantage of being a federal agent is really good money. Federal agents make a lot of money. Another advantage of being a federal agent is very good protection from armor and other agents. Secondly, is the disadvantages of being a federal agent. One disadvantage of being a federal agent is that it can be stressful from all of the work you have to do in so little of time. Another disadvantage is ¨A work week is 50 hours a week or more¨(Criminal Justice). In conclusion it is very hard but fun to becoming a federal

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