
Advantages And Disadvantages Of CON In Healthcare

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of CON Process. “The American Health Planning Association (AHPA) argues that CON programs limit health-care spending” (National Conference of State Legislatures [NCSL], 2016, para. 7). As the name – certificate of need - implies, there must be a legitimate and certified need in the society (resulting from a professional assessment) before a certain healthcare project to proceed. CON programs regulate how many hospital and other healthcare infrastructures are to be built in certain geographic area under specific jurisdiction including the determination of size (i.e. number of beds rooms). One main intent is to avoid purchasing what is not necessary. Thus, saving expenses and preventing future closure of under-utilized healthcare facilities. The foundational premise of CON advocate is that healthcare is not a product that patients go around shopping like a typical economic product (National Conference of State Legislatures …show more content…

Accordingly, there should not be a monopoly of healthcare. No one owns the healthcare sector. Any medical provider that has the capacity to engage in business endeavor has the right to build his or her own healthcare facilities. Any gains will be tax by the government and any loss will be suffered by the owner of the project. Neither the government nor the society will face the consequences if ever the healthcare business fails. So, the decision is up for the owner. Therefore, there is no need to stop anyone from people to build healthcare facilities. Furthermore, numerous healthcare facilities create healthy competition among healthcare providers. It provides more options for patients to select which medical center they would go based on quality and competitiveness. This would make various facilities strive to be the best. The authorities should not favor only one or few healthcare

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