Advantages And Disadvantages Of Chemical Fertilizers

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Fertilizers are chemical or natural substances which are added to the soil to increase fertility and allow plants to grow better. Chemical Fertilizers are fertilizers which have been manufactured in factories that are specifically made to target the nutrient levels of a plant. A chemical Fertilizers main goal is to provide the plants with important nutrients at a controlled amount. These Chemical Fertilizers are sprayed directly on to the plants or are mixed with the soil. The main nutrients which these target are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium together known as “NPK”. In most modern farms chemical fertilizers are used, this is because they provide quick nourishment unlike organic fertilizers which take a long time to effect and these also have a specific set of nutrients in them which only provide the required nutrient to the plants.
Two commonly used …show more content…

Common disadvantages of chemical fertilizers are that it can easily contaminate water bodies; these are not always environmental friendly and can destroy the fertility of the soil; prolonged use of Chemical Fertilizers can cause the growth of toxic chemicals such as uranium and arsenic which can find their way into the crop destroying it. Although Chemical Fertilizers are very important for the agriculture industry these disadvantages are a major setback. Chemical Fertilizer such as Calcium Nitrate has the disadvantage of runoff and destruction of the ecosystem; this is because as it sprayed in liquid form and it dissolves with water very easily it can easily runoff to nearby water-bodies. As it seeps down quickly and is absorbed at a faster rate, prolonged use of this can destroy the ecosystem. Monoammonium Phosphate also causes water pollution but along with that this can cause over fertilization very easily and can cause a decrease in beneficial