Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ethnography

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Ethnography is one of the sciences that comes from anthropology and sociology. In involves the research of human societies and culture. Humans are the creatures that are hard to understand. In ethnographic research project the ethnographer has to go to a community where he/she have to live in order to do his/her study so that he/she can gets through the understanding of the society culture and the people. This is what exactly called Ethnography. There are some advantages while doing ethnographic field work such as using holistic and contrast & comparison methods. But besides there is some disadvantages that the researcher have to go through such as interviewer effect and invasion of privacy. Holistic is one of the advantages that is used during ethnographic research where the researcher tries to develop a person in different levels- physically, emotionally and mentally. Using holistic approach a researcher can find out that a human being is he/she who creates their own complexity and who creates their own world were they are responsible for what they do in that process. They have their own inner and outer resources. Their inner resources re-presents their emotions, insight, intellection and their imagination and their outer resources depends on the natural, social …show more content…

Even though how much effort a researcher put to gain trust from the community he/she is failed to success. This thinking shows the realist nature of classic ethnography, where the background, experience and motivations of the ethnographer are ignored as irrelevant, or are considered not to influence or colour the resulting ethnographic reports and texts (Malinowski). Because if though they agrees to go ahead with the research they have no idea how their privacy might be threatened by the researcher and the society while doing the field work. For that reason many don’t wants to collaborate with the