
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Feedback

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COMMON MISTAKES SUPERVISORS MAKE IN DELIVERING FEEDBACK To be able to deliver feedback that keeps your employees on track, pay heed to these common mistakes most managers make and their solutions. When the topic of giving performance feedback comes up, as it frequently does, it brings uncertainties and anxieties in doing this critical task effectively. This is especially the case when sensitive or negative feedback needs to be conveyed. The all-too-human temptation in these cases is either to avoid the issue, hoping it will go away, or to spend as little time as possible on the unpleasant matter. However, neither approach typically works well in achieving sustained on-the-job performance improvement. 1. Focusing on the negative: Some managers only communicate with their employees when something goes against their plan of action. Feedback should be balanced between both motivational and formative dialogues. Employees need to know what they have done well. Even when giving the formative feedback build on the positives first (follow the process of appreciative inquiry). 2. No acting on time: Supervisors commit a mistake when they don’t give the feedback immediately after the target behavior. Supervisors should not wait for the other shoe to fall. Acting in time is the key to success. Reinforcement works better when the distance between the behavior and feedback is not too long. 3. Dressing down in public: Public shaming propels behavior change has to be the most glaring
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