Advantages And Disadvantages Of Health Care Services In The Health Sector

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This is the coordination of health activities with other sectors; such sectors include Education, Finance, Agriculture, Information etc. There should be a working relationship these bodies and the health ministry.
-Overall human development
It ensures economic development
It ensures affordability INTEGRATON OF HEALTH SERVICES
This is defined as coordination of various primary health care components into a whole gramme and made available at all times including referrals.
It ensures efficient use of all resources and removes areas of wastage,
[it ensures sustainability of programme
It ensures bye pass phenomenon
•It reduces opportunity cost -It grantees clients ' confidentiality
The health care resources available in a given community should not be in the handle of a few. And resources should be accessible and affordable to all. Addressing the issue of equity is divided in 3 components:
1. Decentralization of health of services into federal state-local government-ward levels.
2. The essential drug services and the national drug formulae, making drugs available at all levels and at low cost.
3. National health insurance scheme-where people contribute to the health services of those who don 't have or cannot afford.

This involves the use of technological methods and scientifically sound and maintain by the community .It can be in terms of human resources, money or materials. Human resources in
Nigeria-medical officer of