
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Psychoanalytical Theory

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4- Psychoanalytical Theory: Tyson Lois said:
“psychoanalytic concepts have become part of our everyday lives, and therefore psychoanalytical thinking should have the advantage of familiarity…psychoanalytical concepts such as sibling rivalry, inferiority complexes, and defense mechanisms are in such common use that most of us feel we know what they mean without ever having heard them defined. The disadvantage of such common usage, however, is that most of us have acquired a very simplistic idea of what these concepts mean, and in their clichéd form they seem rather superficial if not altogether meaningless. Couple this unfortunate fact with our fear that psychoanalysis wants to invade our most private being and reveal us to ourselves and to the world as somehow inadequate, even sick, and the result is very often a deep-scatted mistrust of ‘psychobabble’. Indeed, our common use of the word psychoanalysis is both impossible to understand and meaningless. Thus, in a culture that uses psychoanalytic concepts in its everyday language we frequently see the wholesale rejection of psychoanalysis as a result way of understanding human behavior.”(11) The quotation above shows that psychoanalytic concepts are familiar to everyone. People understand these concepts even without a given definition .However, they have only a superficial idea about what really these concepts mean .Moreover, people fear psychoanalysis because it can show the reality of human personalities. For that
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