Psychoanalysis And Psychoanalysis

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Psychoanalysis is one of the major schools of psychology which helped to shape the history of psychology and what we know it as today (Cherry, 2015). Psychoanalysis is also known as the psychodynamic approach to psychology, it was founded by Sigmund Freud and is regarded as the school of thought with the emphasis on the unconscious mind on behaviour (Cherry, 2015). Freud work started in 1886 when he first began providing therapy also known as the "talk therapy" and it was in 1896 that he first coined the term psychoanalysis. According to Mc Leod (2007), psychoanalysis therapy is to release the repressed emotions and experience which would make the unconscious conscious. Psychoanalysis is one of the methods that is commonly used to treat depression …show more content…

Freud said Oral stimulation could lead to an oral fixation later in life which are often seen all around us such as those that smoke, bit their fingers, chew on their fingers and thumb suckers (McLeod, Psychosexual: Simple Psychology, 2008). The Anal stage occurs at age 1-3 years where the libido is focused on the anus and the child then derives great pleasure from defecating. Freud believed that this type of conflict tends to comes down to potty training, which adults impose restriction on when and where the child defecates. With early or harsh potty training the child can become an anal-retentive person who hates mess and becomes obsessively tidy, punctual and respectful of authority (McLeod, Psychosexual: Simple Psychology, 2008). The third stage would be the phallic stage which is from ages 3 to 5 or 6 years old. During this stage their sensitivity now becomes concentrated on the genital area and masturbation in both the sexes which becomes a new source of pleasure (McLeod, Psychosexual: Simple Psychology, 2008). Freud went on to state that the child now becomes aware of anatomical sex …show more content…

The positive reinforcement are favourable and events or acceptable outcomes that are presented after the behaviour, where there is a situation of positive reinforcement the behaviour will be strengthen by praises or a direct reward to the person. On the other hand the negative reinforcement is the removal of an unfavourable event or unacceptable outcomes after a behaviour has been displayed and therefore no reward would be granted as the behaviour is considered unpleasant, however in both of these cases of reinforcement the behaviour increases (Cherry, Operant Conditioning: About Education, 2015). Another concept skinner spoke about is the punishment that is presented in an adverse behaviour that follows the event, he also broke this down into two types pf punishment which are the positive and negative punishment (Cherry, Operant Conditioning: About Education, 2015). The positive punishment are referred to punishment by application, which is the presentation of an unacceptable outcome that weakens the response that follows it, while the negative punishment are punishment by removal which is when a favourable outcome is removed after a behaviour occurs, in this case both punishment behaviour are decreased (Cherry, Operant Conditioning: About Education, 2015). He also invented the