Advantages Of Case Study

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In this case,the researcher were used case study. Case study method enables a researcher to closely examine the data within a specific context. In most cases, a case study method selects a small geographical area or a very limited number of individuals as the subjects of study. Case studies, in their true essence, explore and investigate contemporary real-life phenomenon through detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of events or conditions, and their relationships. Yin (1984:23) defines the case study research method “as an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenonwithin its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are notclearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used.Since case study method receives criticism in terms of its lack of robustness as a research tool,crafting the design of case studies is of paramount importance. …show more content…

In cases where thereare no other cases available for replication, the researcher can adopt the single-case design. The multiple-case design, on the other hand, can be adopted with real-life events that shownumerous sources of evidence through replication rather than sampling logic. According to Yin (1994), generalisation of results from case studies, from either single or multiple designs, stems on theory rather than on populations. By replicating the case through pattern-matching,a technique linking several pieces of information from the same case to some theoretical proposition (Campbell, 1975), multiple-case design enhances and supports the previousresults. This helps raise the level of confidence in the robustness of the method.are no other cases available for replication, the researcher can adopt the single-case