Advantages Of Deductive Teaching Approach

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Chapter 1
Educators are the one who facilitate and guide the students, Educators has their different approach in teaching but their approach should be suited to the subject that they taught. The best teaching approach can produce a knowledge that the students can apply in their daily lives or future occurrences. There are different skills that we can acquire from our teachers but in this research we will focus on psychomotor skills. Since psychomotor skills are the result of combined relationship of cognitive functions and physical movement we can say that students can acquire a certain psychomotor skill through lecture, demonstration and your execution of the given lecture. Through acquiring and executing psychomotor skills it can lead to a highly competencies. In executing a certain psychomotor skill you also need the signal from your environment. In teaching psychomotor skills there are different approaches that can be used. Deductive teaching approach is one of the approaches that will develop the psychomotor skills of a student. However, deductive teaching approach to instruction is more …show more content…

In several teaching approach it has many advantages and dis-advantages the advantage of deductive teaching approach students can learn a lot of skills because the approach is done in a short period of time and in the laboratory we are enhancing cognitive and most of the time psychomotor skills in enhancing psychomotor skills you plenty of time to know, discover and perform the skills. Particularly the students can acquire physical perspective and mental perspective of psychomotor skills. Students can also acquire intellectual, social and emotional factor through acquiring psychomotor