
What Is Regular School Better Than Homeschooling Essay

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There is no consensus among the parents on the issue of the choice between whether sending their children to regular school or homeschooling. Some people suggest that regular school is a right place for children while some other people argue that homeschooling has brought some advantages that regular schools lack of. This issue has become a heated debate issue since parents are now taking education as a very important issue. People believe that education is a crucial key that lead to a better future for their kids and even an innovation of life. However, this is just a matter of opinion for parents.

Homeschooling offers children to have more freedom in many ranges. The first one would be the education freedom. Children get to study the subject that they are interest to. The tutor will also give them more practices to keep their passion burning. By doing this , their passion of learning new …show more content…

The first is the communicative skill. This is because regular school is like a small community, children are offered a golden opportunity to learn how to communicate and interact with other children. Communication takes a huge part of children’s self-development because the communicative skill is crucial for their success in many field, and in the future. By receiving education in regular school, children are able to express themselves with words, gestures and facial expressions. Some other personality that can be developed in regular school are team work spirit and tolerance since the children are involved in sports. In regular school, children are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities after the school dismissed. Responsibility can also be developed in regular school. For example the assignment that given by teachers needs to hand in before deadline otherwise punishment will take

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