Pros And Cons Of Raising Poultry

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The three most common ways to raise poultry are in cages, cage-free aviaries and enriched colonies. The benefits and down-sides to these systems are commonly misunderstood. The most common and efficient system of raising poultry is in cages. The benefits to cages are that the eggs are the cheapest to produce which in turn makes them cheaper to buy. They also had the least instances of aggression. ommon and efficient system of raising poultry is in cages. The benefits to cages are that the eggs are the cheapest to produce which in turn makes them cheaper to buy. They also had the least instances of aggression. The workers of the cage system were exposed to a much smaller amount of particles in the air. But the down side is that these chickens have poor bone health due to a lack of exercise. Although the cage system has less …show more content…

Long-standing, national programs are in place to provide training in proper animal care. National organizations provide significant funding to research animal care practices, specifically on the issue of sow housing. Over the past 10 years alone, farmers have invested more than $1.37 million into swine-housing research and $3.13 million in general research to improve animal well-being. Farming methods are always evolving. As new insights about sow housing emerge, farmers will continue to make responsible decisions to earn the public trust. A gestation crate is a metal enclosure used in intensive pig farming, in which a female breeding pig, or sow may be kept during pregnancy and for most of her adult life. The enclosure is 6.6 ft x 2.0 ft. These crates are used to hold pregnant pigs safely because sows are aggressive. The crates also help the producers individually care for the sows. A farrowing or gestation crate is where only one sow lives for a short time before she gives birth