The Pros And Cons Of Clinical Gene Therapy

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“Time magazine, reporting on recent high-impact publications in clinical gene therapy, asked the question: ‘Is gene therapy finally ready for prime time?’” (Herzog, p. 2) To answer Herzog’s question, yes. It is time for an ethical form of research to be used. If a form of medical research can help you or your child, wouldn’t you want it to help them? If it could cure someone you love or give them a better treatment for their disease or condition, wouldn’t you find it ethical? There was a case of little boy having SCID (Severe combined immunodeficiency) which is where s a genetic disorder characterized by the disturbed development of functional T cells and B cells caused by numerous genetic mutations. It is basically where a person has no immune system and they have to live their life inside a bubble. The child was treated by gene …show more content…

Those don’t always cripple their lives but their lives could be simpler like Hypothyroidism. It is a thyroid condition that controls the metabolism and calcium production. Hypothyroidism means it doesn’t work which in turn means being on medication for months at a time and depending when it is found, it can be years of pill taking. Another issue or condition for Gene therapy to treat psychological disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which affects 3.3 million people in the United States. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on a serious degree can halter life. Gene therapy has also been proven to treat a blood condition called Hemophilia. Hemophilia is a medical condition that the ability of the clotting factor of blood. It can cause a simple nick to bleed severely and if the person is injured, then they can bleed out instantly. The study was done on mice but it treated the condition and even cured it. Imagine if there was a medical treatment to help with that. Gene therapy can improve the quality of

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