Weaknesses Of Mentoring

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The word mentor refers to a father figure who sponsors, guides and develops a younger person. Mentoring have played a significant role in teaching, inducting and developing the skills and talents of others (Ehrich et al, 2004). Research has also shown that mentoring yields benefits for mentees and mentors through career advancements and psychological support (Kram, 1985). Mentoring is often understood as a two way or reciprocal process that provides the benefits for the mentor (Levinson et al, 1978). Levinson et al (1978) shows that mentoring can rejuvenate a mentor’s career by allowing the mentor to assist and shape the professional and personal development of a mentee. Douglas (1997) also comments on the benefits of mentoring on how …show more content…

Long (1997), is cautious when it comes to mentoring, identifying several concerns that can affect the mentoring relationship to which is referred to as “The dark side to mentoring”. She identifies that some of the biggest weaknesses in mentoring is the lack of time for mentor, poor planning of the mentoring process, unsuccessful matching of mentors and mentees, a lack of understanding about the mentoring process and lack of access to mentors from minority groups (Long, …show more content…

They need a sense of belonging, of common cause and the knowledge that over time they will make a difference or not only in the loves of individual children they teach, but in their profession (Eisenman and Thornton, 1990). Bailey et al (2001) explains that mentoring is typically used with novice teachers, but it can also be helpful to experienced teachers. As an AT, I am often working together with a diverse range of teachers ranging from novice teachers to teachers that have been in the profession for over forty years. It is important that my approaches with my schools that I am providing the teachers with non-evaluative, nonthreatening sources of support and development options (Bailey et al, 2001). Furthermore, mentoring is also a great way to introduce positive change into educational programs (Wang & Odell, 2002). The roles of mentoring have evolved over the last three decades. Gone are the days where the mentor is the expert that emphasises the transmission of teaching skills to the novice. Mentoring in the modern day is more personal and professional relationship in which both parties co-construct their professional identities together within a specific context (Delaney, 2012). Wright, (2010) explains that the 21st century teacher should be reflective teachers who engage in collaborative learning in real classrooms where they