Adventures Of Isha Essay

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During my free time, I read books that are related to religion, classic, and fiction genres. My first encounter with books had started before I joined a school. My parents, who are still in the teaching profession, had an important role to play in my book reading abilities. My dad, Elly Omondi, was a high school teacher when he started to read me ‘The Adventures of Isha’. The book is written by a famous Scottish author, William Salmond, who spent most of his life in Ghana. Even though I have continually read books for over twenty years now, ‘The Adventures of Isha’ is the book that has had the most influence in my life. Through this article, I’m going to describe why this book has had the most influence on me.
‘Adventures of Isha’ is a children’s book that my father read to me when I was six years old. It was not surprising that I had not started to attend school by then because I had to help my dad take care of my sick mother. I did not buy the book myself, but my dad selected it for me to help me practice reading. I can remember that he bought the book as a gift for my 6th birthday. The copy we had was an old version that was purchased cheaply from a dilapidated bookstore. It had a picture of a child crying on the upper part of …show more content…

Isha, the boy described in the book, was from an economically deprived family. The boy was hard working and wanted to attend a well-known school in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, Isha’s mom was unable to finance his education as his father had passed on when he was only two years old. Terrible things had happened to the family; the bank repossessed their house, his father life insurance was declined, and Isha’s education was discontinued. Isha did odd jobs in his village and was lucky to be sponsored by a mission school nearby. Eventually, he went to school, excels and made his fortune. After ten years of hard work, Isha comes back home to help his mother and improve the livelihood of his