Aesop Fables Analysis

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I chose Aesop Fables. I chose this because I read his work as a youngster. Aesop was born in Greece and had been a slave. During his slavery, Aesop enjoyed observing the behaviors of humans and animals. This is what gave him ideas for his stories that gave the animals human-like characteristics such as speech and emotions, but the animal characters would still carry out their qualities and natural tendencies. In his fables, Aesop would talk about certain people or animals doing something. In his fables, each story carries morals and lessons to be learned. I will only talk about three stories that I believe carries important lessons in life. The stories I chose are “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, “The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg”, “The Tortoise and the Hare”, and “The Peacocks Complaint.” The first story I want to talk about is “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” In this story, there was a boy in a village that had, or watched, a herd of sheep. Often, the boy would get bored, and he thought it would be a clever idea to pull what I would call …show more content…

The goose was considered very special because she laid golden eggs, and this made the husband and wife rich. One day, the couple got to talking about the golden eggs. They figured that if they could have all those golden eggs, they would become richer. So, the husband and wife came up with the idea to kill the goose, so they can get all her eggs. When they cut the goose open, they were shocked to see that the goose had no golden eggs, coming to the realization that she was just an ordinary goose. The moral of this fable is that selfishness and greed will get you nowhere but trouble. Another moral to this story is that crimes like murder for riches will not pay off well. It is selfish to kill someone or something for riches because you will meet karma in the