The Sneetches Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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There are teachers all over the world who oppose Dr. Seuss's Books being allowed in schools. Many say his books refer to racism, discrimination, and other problems. They believe students shouldn’t learn about these situations at their current age. However, others believe many of these books teach a valuable lesson, for example, The Sneetches. This book covers racism/discrimination. The Lorax teaches about greed and how wealth can change you for the worse. Lastly, Big Dog-Little Dog explains communicating can make big problems turn into little problems. Dr. Suess has written many books that teach valuable lesson, but these are only a few. I’m confident enough to believe that Dr. Suess stories should be taught in schools.
There are tons of articles that cover The Sneetches and disagree this short story should be taught in school. Many adults say the story shows hints of discrimination/ racism. (Schreur). As an example “all the Star-Belly Sneetches Would brag, We're the best kind of Sneetch on the beaches." (Geisel 7-8) “They left them out cold, in the dark of the beaches. They kept them away. Never let them come near. And that's how they treated them year after year.” (Geisel 9-10) …show more content…

He tries to stop the once-ler from letting greed take over him. After many times Loarx couldn’t succeed. The Lorax was too late and greed took over the once-ler. This caused the once’ler to destroy all the trees until they were extinct. “I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees, which you seem to be chopping as fast as you please!”(Geisel 9) Once the Once-ler realized greed had taken over him it was too late. “A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean.”(Geisel 4) This story shows greed can take control over people easily but there are always bad results in the end. Many children will have to face this situation when they’re older. This story should be read in school now to help prevent these issues in the