Affordable Care Act (ACA): A Case Study

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In 2010, President Barrack Obama signed the health care reform into law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Community-Based Collaborative Care Network Program is a part of the ACA which emphasizes primary care, funds community health initiatives, and promotes quality care for more coverage for those uninsured in the U.S. and is more cost-effective to generate billions of dollars in savings for the United States budget. Policy makers and public issues and concerns are growing on cost of health care, affordability and accessibility of health care, health care quality, development of sustainable solutions to health care problems, and promoting personal and community responsibility for health. Future nurses must be prepared to address today’s health …show more content…

An establishment of Affordable Care Act (ACA) is Community-Based Collaborative Care Network Program, which is important for nurses to offer opportunities for coordinating and integrating health services for low income and uninsured populations (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). As a prepared graduate nurse, one should practice their education and training for the community. For example, community service projects at health fairs, clinics, or hospitals are a few suggestions that a prepared graduate nurse can do within the community. One may also collaborate with other students from other health professions and extend their reach with nurses. For instance, assist nurses to reach out to care and help as many uninsured Americans sign up for health insurance with support and understanding to their health options by serving sources of important information on how to access the health insurance coverage that is offered by the ACA. Many advantages that patients are able to receive beneficial information by asking their primary care providers the following; obtaining medical coverage, being educated about Medicare beneficiaries access to preventive cost sharing of health care services, and encourage all patients about obtaining information and additional services. These and other efforts are important since many of the people who benefit most from access to affordable health insurance may not even know what is