Full Coverage Health Insurance: A Case Study

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Full Coverage Health Insurance Full insurance coverage is very beneficial when it comes to regular health assessments and screenings in women. Some of the purposes of regular assessments is for primary prevention, it also helps the primary care physician identify risk factors for any common chronic diseases and it can be essential to detect diseases that have no apparent symptoms, which is considered to be secondary prevention. With regular assessments the patient will have up to date clinical data and it also gives the nurse a chance to educate the patient on promoting healthy behaviors (Shiel, Jr., 2014). By women seeking regular health assessments they are taking steps to live a longer, healthier life (no author, 2015). When …show more content…

Mammograms are optional for women between the ages of 40 to 49 and should be done yearly for women from the ages of 50 to 75. Pap smears should be done every three years, only after the women has had three consecutive normal pap smears results. Pap smears need to be done on women when they start becoming sexual active for preventive measures and to check for human papillomavirus (Shiel, Jr., 2014). Under the affordable care act mammograms and screening for cervical cancer must be covered in full with no cost sharing of the patient (no author, n.d.). One other screening test that should be done is for colorectal cancer, beginning at the age of 50. Colorectal cancer most always develops from precancerous polyps in the colon or rectum. With screening these can be found and removed before they turn into cancer or found early enough for treatments to be effective (no author, 2015). Women also need to have regular screenings for blood pressure, depression, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, hepatitis C, overweight and obesity, or lung cancer if a smoker or a former smoker. Some women choose to be tested for BRCA 1 and 2 genes if they have a family member that has breast,

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