African American Education Strengths And Weaknesses

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For this assignment, I gave the assessment that I created to a small group of students. This group was composed of four fifth grade African American female students and only one fifth grade African American male student. Each of the students were on different levels in regards to academic ability and each of the students had their own personal academic strengths and weaknesses. Before administering this assessment, I discussed the academic levels of the students with my cooperating teacher and she was confident that the students would be able to complete most of the questions on the assessment correctly because the worksheet covered topics that the students have already learned and topics that my cooperating teacher encouraged me to review with the students before they take the New York State Mathematics Test next week. Before administering the assessment, I had seen each of the students complete problems related to the topics on the assessment. For example, I had observed students completing a worksheet about multiplying and dividing fractions, a topic that I planned to put on my assessment. …show more content…

In this assessment, I included concepts that related back to the topics that the students had just previously learned about in the past few weeks. These topics included multiplying fractions, dividing fractions, volume, and converting within the metric system. I was able to find specific Common Core Learning Standards that related to these topics. I have listed these standards below in order of the topic above. Math Common Core Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NF.B.4: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction. Math Common Core Standards: