Common Core Standards Case Study

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The Common Core Standards
1. How the Common Core Standards are different from the former standardize tests?
The Common Core Standards are clearly stated and describe what students should learn in the classroom from kinder to grade 12, and teachers can measure if the students are acquiring the necessary material for a specific level. The Common Core Standards is the guide that help teachers to design lessons plans addressing content according to the grade level. The main purpose of the standards is to challenge students to develop analytical skills, critical thinking, and solve real world problems. These skills will take students to successfully compete in the labor force and to a better performance in society.
Instead, former standardized tests are designed in a consistent manner. This means, one single test is designed for all students, in the same way. Therefore, material thought in school should be correlated with these standardized tests. If the students acquire the skills designed by the Common Core Standards, they will be capable to utilize reasoning, logic, and rationality to complete a standardized test in an effective way.
2. What skills for thinking and tools for learning does the Common Core provide for students in your content area?
The main skills for thinking the Common Core Standards …show more content…

Instead, these tools are embedded in today’s curriculum throughout technology. Computers, audio, video, smart boards, Chromebooks, etc., are available in the classrooms as part of the instruction. Students today, use technology devices as never before in a very thoughtful way to emphasize their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use. The countless and amazing educational technological resources assist World Language educators to provide an outstanding instruction, for students to better connect with different cultural realities and accomplish their communication