Why Is Common Core Important

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Yes or no, I will show you my view of it. I do not think Common Core is necessary. However, I think that with Common Core we are able to increase our understanding of a specific topic. Unfortunately, Common Core teaches an unnecessary amount of methods and ways to do simple tasks. The fact is, Common Core is used to teach students to think deeper and explain more. STAR was “a mile wide and an inch deep”. Common Core is “a meter wide, and a kilometer deep”. According to Dr. Terrance Moore, Common Core confuses “education” with “job training”.(1) Common Core says that uniform standards increase test scores. In certain cases, such as Finland and Singapore, that is true. But in Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Russia, which all have uniform standards, rank lower that the United States of America.(1) I think that Common Core should be taken out of all the state standards. Of the people surveyed, 100% said that they did not like Common Core (See question 2 above). Common Core is used to expand a …show more content…

Common Core is used to give students a mass of high pressure tests and high stake tests. The tests creates an environment which sometimes makes kids want to cheat to get higher grades. 11 teachers and administrators were fired for a cheating scandal in Alabama.(1) Common Core limits parents and students control over the standards. Only 15 percent of the standards are able to be changed by the states. The other 85 percent cannot be changed in any way by the states, students, parents, and teachers.(1) Common Core use non-fiction texts and limit the amount of fiction texted used. Common Core math standards do not prepare students for STEM fields. They are behind in math and the recommended path does not include calculus, a senior class, till college.(1) Calculus is needed for all STEM fields. It also collects data on children’s

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