
African Americans In The Civil War Essay

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In the beginning of the war, white soldiers and generals did not believe that Africans would not make good soldiers because of cowardice, but that view changed when the Africans proved themselves in numerous battles. Africans served in the in the Civil War on both the Union and Confederate side. In the Union army, almost 200,000 African men served in over 160 units, as well as more serving in the Navy and in support positions. This number comprised of both northern free Africans and runaway slaves from the South who enlisted to fight. In the Confederacy, Africans were still slaves and they served mostly in labor positions. By 1865, the South allowed slaves to enlist but very few actually did. Even Though, the Africans were apart of the Army, …show more content…

Others were forced to come by their masters to tend to their master’s needs in camp. Some of these servants would be returned his master’s family if he was killed in battle. A few servants took their master’s place on the war line and then were recruited by the regiment. At the midpoint of the war in 1863, when more Confederate soldiers were needed, state militias of freed black men were offered to the Confederate war office but refused. As the war continued, the issue became more extreme and was beginning to get the attention of the Confederates,then ended up being heavenly debated by the Confederate Congress. On January 2, 1864, Confederate major general Patrick Cleburne proposed arming slaves, But Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, had other plans and ordered that the proposal be suppressed. Despite the order of the Jefferson Davis who tried to stop the involvement of the Africans in the Confederate Army, on March 13, 1865, the legislation was finally passed that would free black slaves if they enlisted in the Confederate Army, but they still had to have consent from their masters.Probably less than 50 African soldiers enlisted, because of this legislation and were still in training when the war

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