Age Of Exploration Positive Effects Essay

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Advances in scientific technology that launched the Age of Exploration:
The age of exploration took its place during the 15th and ended during the 17th century. During this time Europeans began to take and interest in exploring the “unknown”. Thus beginning voyages by sea. Not all advances and new discoveries were positive, a mass majority had a negative effect on Europe. In order to fulfill these travels exploders needed maps. Those who provided the maps were known as cartographers. The map makers of the 15th century. Cartographers often came along side of the crossings to document and see the detail of the new lands of the “unknown”. Although most cartographers had to use their imagination to bring themselves an idea of the new lands. …show more content…

Exploration brought together Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. This was to spread religion, market exchange, and technology. Even though the impression was to bring everyone together and spread new ideas, it also brought along disease such as measles, syphilis, and smallpox. Which eventually made its way worldwide. Populations then began to drop.
Furthermore, the Triangular trade. Due to ocean winds aligning perfectly for Europeans’ to use to get to the destination needed. The winds brought them to the Coast of Africa, where they captured slaves to bring them to the Americas. Correspondingly this lead the Africans to get diseases along the way causing many to die. In addition the crew members of the ships would often throw the Africans off the ship due to water shortages.
The age of exploration came along way from 15th to the 17yh century bringing along voyages, conquests, new lands, disease, religion, and the exchange of goods. Many ideas and methods of expansion were flowed along over time. Cartographers developed new ways of mapping. While disease killed populations. The Triangular trade brought plants, animals and goods to