Agenda-Setting: Video Analysis

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Media plays a substantial role in our society today. It influences us from the music we listen to, the shows we watch, and magazine or books we read. People spend more time doing those things than they sleep, work, spend time with their family, and etc. Every day we are influenced by the media. When you wake up you look at your cellular device, turn off your alarm, turn the television on to watch the news, check your emails, and etc. The media could either be entertainment or educational. Media and advertising affect our actions, opinions, and ethics. But, according to the video “understanding the way it works you can control your perception.” The video explains that there are many aspects of media effects which are priming, agenda setting, …show more content…

The agenda-setting shows how powerful the media is pertaining to people agendas. Agenda-setting is also known as gatekeeping which goes through several steps before it reaches the public. Basically, what an author goes through in order to get their book published. The agenda for the media is discussions in politics, economic issues, crimes, and etc. The theory of framing is associated to agenda setting but expands the research. Framing is how something in presented. But, according to the video it is the way the public views an issue and how to tell us. It deals with the perception of how the media presents us the news. The next step is for us to interpret what the news presented us. Overall it impacts how we process information. For an example, when the opponent makes a commercial about another candidate that is either a lie or informing us about the real …show more content…

The media has a negative effect on our society. For an example, agenda setting which is also known as gate keeping. Gate keeping controls the flow of information and how it is pertained. But, it is not to inform us but to catch our attention for a certain time period. Teenagers are more naive to advertisement which makes them the target. An example is acne commercial’s making teenagers seem like they have perfect skin when most of time the medicine does not work. The media perception of what the perfect body looks like forces teenagers to have self-esteem issues. Another example is each generation use of technology is getting younger. Such as, kids in middle school having the latest devices which are not