Agile Development Paper

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White Paper Business and Operational Metrics for Agile Development: A Practioner’s Approach April 2015 Table of Contents 1. Abstract 1 2. Identifying the right metrics for the Agile Organisation 1 3. Metrics Structure for Agile Development: From Operating and Strategic Level 1 4. Specific Metrics for Scaled Agile 5 5. Evolution of Metrics along Agile Maturity: 5 6. Conclusion 6 7. About the Authors 7 1. Abstract Over a decade, Agile execution is gaining popularity with increase in demand for frequent releases, adaptability to business changes and quality of the software. With upcoming expectations of shorter cycles of releases producing working software features on continuous basis, it has become necessary to know …show more content…

Operations • What is the process for the budget release for the Agile projects? • What are the efficiency drivers for Agile projects? • How is the effectiveness goals set up for IT projects? Learning and Growth • How to ensure that the Agile development team is constantly learning about Agile practices, technology and the domain? • How to ensure multiskilling of the people working on Agile projects? • What are the ways to imbibe the motivation and disciplined culture in the team? As we go on answering to these questions, it helps build the clarity about the metrics structure to be deployed for Agile organization. 3. Metrics Structure for Agile Development: From Operating and Strategic Level During the industry interactions, we observe that the metrics for Agile are not well organized - both from the right focus as well as from actions point of view. We categorize the metrics into three broad layers – Business Level, Release Level and at Sprint Level. Accordingly, the pyramid for the metrics would be as shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Metrics Pyramid As per the above, metrics in different categories are: A. Business Level …show more content…

of User Stories covered)*100/(No. of User Stories Planned) This metric helps ensure one-o-one mapping of the test cases vis-à-vis user stories. The Scrum Master/Test Manager (in case of dedicated QA team) uses this metric for ensuring traceability Test case/Script design productivity (Number of Test cases (scripts) designed)/(Total Test case (scripts) design effort in hours) This productivity metrics helps measure the test case design activity and helps to arrive at the total testing efforts at sprint as well as release level. Test case/Script execution productivity (Number of Test cases executed)/(Total Test case executed effort in hours) This productivity metrics helps measure the test case execution activity and helps to arrive at the total testing efforts at sprint as well as release level for various types of test execution Test Automation Coverage (Number of Test cases automated)*100/(Total number of Test cases) This measures the level of automation at the release level. Defect arrival rate (Number of Defects * 100)/(Number of Test Cases planned for Execution) This metric indicates the effectiveness of the Test Cases in finding the defects in the