The Two Favored Development Methodologies In The CIMA Organization

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As mentioned the two favored development methodologies in (CIMA) are Agile and Waterfall. One of the first decisions when starting a project is what framework should be used for implementation. Waterfall is a linear approach to the way we get work done. An example of the sequence of events vary depending on the organization. Each of these stages require a significant amount of work and it may takes several months before your customer sees any value/deliverables. Agile is a cross functional team approach to development. There are sprints that are designed to be completed in just a week or two which proves value quicker and decreases risk sine there is a short time invested for each sprint. The customer will see rapid delivery and value. There is a mentally that it is okay to fail because you are failing fast and it can be corrected easier since a shorter period of time was vested. I have learned that there should be a considerable amount of …show more content…

Agile is people centric opposed to Waterfall which is process centric. I believe that there was a lot of planning before agile was adopted to the CIMA organization at Cigna but even with the planning we have gone through growing pains. On a positive note, I recall in the beginning of the year all agile project recipients received an email that introduced a new Agile Center of Excellence Team (ACOE) team. ACOE introduced themselves as our dedicated agile coaches and the team created a powerful training program for all users to adopt to Agile. The Agile training program consisted of an off-site introduction to agile workshop, multiple courses available on-site and remotely such as Story Writing, Feature writing, Rally 101, and a Scaled Agile Training to become a certified SAFe Agilist to name a few training that became available. I have attended agile training and a big question is around documentation. Agile supports lean thinking and the methodology focuses on collaboration