What Should Be Included In Textbooks About The Soviet Union Dbq

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Lynleigh Fales Mr. Porter World History May 15, 2024 What should be included in textbooks about the USSR The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a communist country that had a very complex history. History was so complex that the Soviet Union was labeled “ a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. There are four main things that I want to talk about, such as cultural advancements, military achievements, economic spending, and geography. I believe that these four topics should be emphasized in textbooks about the Soviet Union because they are important to their history. These four things also helped shape many parts of the world, especially their cultural advancements such as the Olympics and ballet, which are still important today.“That's …show more content…

Lastly, the Soviet Union's military strength affected how the world thought of them. We see this document when they have spent more and produced more bombs and nuclear missiles. They did this in hopes that they would scare us and make us call off the threat of the war. Another important thing about the Soviet Union that I want to emphasize is their economic spending. I think we should add this because, according to Document B, they had 1.47 trillion dollars and they spent 1/10 of it on the military. They did this because they wanted to make sure that if there were ever to be a nuclear threat they would be ready. Also at this time, according to Document G, the Soviet government spent a lot of money training their Olympic athletes. The Soviet Union did this because they wanted to be better than the United States; the Soviet Union also knew that it would help their people feel a sense of pride in their country. Lastly, according to the document, the Soviet Union spent a lot of money on the space race, which was also happening at this time. The Soviet Union did this because if they were able to make it to space first, they would also be seen as a threat. They would seem a

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