Timeless Theory Of Aging

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Explain aging theories, including the Next Step Theory and the Timeless theory The next step aging theory involves dividing life into certain stages where specific rights, privileges, and opportunities are reached. This theory as soon as infancy. Toddlers are unable to comprehend an adult’s age, but they are aware that kids who attend school are older than they are. The children in early elementary see the big kids walking the hallways by themselves and switching classrooms. Therefore, they see the upper elementary aged kids as older. Kids in upper elementary see students in middle school who are in an entirely new building and facing new challenges. Students in middle school see students in high school and recognize they are older and at …show more content…

The age of reason where the image is first developed occurs when the child is between the ages of 3 and 6. This mental picture stays the same as the child grows up so even though their parents have aged, they will not notice as the mental image they have developed features their parents at a younger age. Once the child moves out of their parent’s home and is away from them for an extended period of time, they will be able to see how much they really have aged. They may then notice the physical signs of aging such as greying, balding, wrinkles, or more.
In the video “Living Old” people over 85 are the fastest growing segment of our population and people over 60 make up half of our population. What issues/problems does that create in our …show more content…

As older individuals leave the workforce, there is a decline in the labor participation rate. This can decrease productivity and increase the social security tax that employees and employers must pay to fund federal programs like social security and Medicare. With individuals living several years longer, they are also receiving social security benefits for longer. This causes concern for funding of social security and uncertainty for younger generations. As those same individuals age, they tend to lose the ability to live independently and others must care for them. While there are plenty of individuals going into healthcare, not many of them specialize in geriatrics. This causes a problem where there are more elderly people who need care than there are certified people to care for them. This also may force more family members to take in their elderly parents because there may not be the necessary care facilities near them. This can cause tension between families as the elderly do not want to be a burden on their families but their families would feel guilty if they do not take care of