Agl Energy Essay

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The 2017 annual report of AGL Energy limited is a comprehensive report on the company and its subsidiaries activities throughout the preceding financial year. The purpose of this annual report is intended to provide shareowners and other interested parties and people information regarding AGL's main and relevant activities and financial performance in the 2017 financial year. The financial report of AGL comprises the consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2017, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of profit or loss and the consolidated statement of cash flows for 2017 then in conclusion, notes to the analysed statements including an …show more content…

Director ‘s report plays a very important part in the content of the annual report. Apart from showing the bibliography about all the relevant directors in the company, director presents their Report, set out on pages 1 to 49, it also includes the report of Operating & Financial Review (pages 5 to 26), with the Remuneration Report (pages 27 to 46) and Other Required Disclosures (pages 47 to 49) attached and forms part of, the Directors’ Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2017 .

Other information such as information of leadership and governance summary are also given in beginning of the annual report, The names of people who have been appointed as Directors, during the period since 1 July 2016 and up to the date of this Report, of Andy Vesey being the Managing Director & CEO and his fellow directors team, they are committed to ensuring that AGL corporate governance framework, practices and policies achieve a high standard of corporate governance. The company believes that practice corporate governance in high standards support sustainable performance over …show more content…

AGL gets revenue from three operating segments: its majority revenue from energy market, and other revenue from group operations and other investments. As an energy market company, AGL’s routine includes sells electricity, gas, and energy-related products and and its services are provided to consumer, business and wholesale customers. And AGL is also responsible for control and organise the wholesale risks that come with providing services to those customers. While AGL energy company has a number of more than 25 revenue streams, however more than 87% of its revenue of 2017 comes from four main customer groups including:Consumer market - electricity and gas,Electricity generation sales to pool, Business customers electricity and gas,Wholesale markets electricity and gas. At AGL revenue is assessed and obtained at the fair value of the attention received or receivable to the volume it is probably the financial benefits will come to AGL and the revenue may be securely measured. Revenue from energy services supplied is measured once it has been delivered to its customer and the measurement is obtained through a periodic review of usage meters. Customers are periodically billed on regular basis. At the end of each reporting period, revenue includes an income for energy provided to customers but not yet

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