Aig Student Research Paper

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What does it really mean to be an AIG student? Does anybody really even know the answer to that question? I might be able to help you answer that question. Understand that just because you are not AIG doesn’t mean you’re not smart! Smart can be said in many terms. Intelligent, creative, sharp-witted, or even spiffy! People may say that being smart is the total meaning of what an AIG student is, but it’s not. While you read this essay you will see, from my perspective, what it means to be an AIG student. First let’s start out with not everybody is AIG. According to the National Association of Academically Gifted Children, “Academically gifted and talented students in this country make up approximately six to ten percent of the total student population (three to five million students). These students differ from typical students in terms of learning style, depth and complexity of understanding, and potential.” Sure, a lot of people are smart, but may not be dedicated. You may or may not get what I mean, so I will explain. Some people have a great amount of potential, but they choose not to utilize that potential. AIG students choose to use their potential to continually grow …show more content…

He was accepted for this experiment because his eagerness to learn. Being an AIG student, I have a strong eagerness to learn also. I wouldn’t be AIG if I didn’t want to learn. I feel I can’t succeed in honors classes if I don’t try or want to learn. An AIG student needs to believe they can do something out of their comfort zone; they need to challenge their mind. Charlie Gordon believed that this experiment would make him intelligent and give him the things he lacks. The experiment was supposed to make him perfect. Being AIG you have significant abilities, but it also means you are willing to try, like Charlie Gordon