Akin To The Trump Administration Case Study

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Over the course of the United States’ history as an independent nation, the federal government has made decisions that have fulfilled and neglected the goals set forth in the Constitution. Although the present-day American government under Trump has been the center of controversy, our leaders are fulfilling the goals set forth in the Constitution according to their interpretation of it. Akin to the Trump administration, I advocate for a limited government, which is what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they crafted the Constitution. Between the three branches of the national government, strides have been taken to achieve the objectives outlined specifically in the Preamble. In the case of Pavan v. Smith, the Court ruled on June 26 …show more content…

Consequently, the general welfare of a minority group was, and is continually being promoted. Several days before that ruling, Donald Trump signed an executive order that will expand the number of apprenticeships in America, including ones for college students and “for persons currently or formerly incarcerated.” Personally, I will reap the benefits of this because the assistant director of the multicultural center at the University of Texas at Dallas has offered me employment once I transfer there. Specifically, I will be editing videos and learning cinematography, which is a part of the filmmaking career I am pursuing after obtaining my degree. For other post-secondary students, this executive order will allow for access to high-paying jobs that will develop abilities in their careers that …show more content…

Largely based on classic and reform liberalism principles, the government should only involve itself in the economy when it must protect citizens from dubious corporate practices and maintain fair competition between businesses. At the same time, individuals should be free to pursue their goals so long as their intentions aren’t harming others. My opinion of government stems from dissatisfaction with the United States’ decision to become imperialistic by involving itself in the internal affairs of other countries at the expense of devoting more time and energy to domestic issues. For example, America’s decision to focus its foreign policy on impeding the spread of Communism post-World War II lead to the neglection of social and economic reform. At the height of McCarthyism, one could be ostracized for championing what would be considered today as “liberal” ideologies. Although this hysteria subsided, the anti-Communist agenda was furthered with the drawn-out Vietnam War that only lead to the United States’ failure to accomplish its main objectives in that conflict. Even after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States continues to find itself embroiled in conflicts in the Middle East while inner-city crime in places such as Chicago is an

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