Albert Einstein's Arguments Against Euthanasia

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A little look behind euthanasia
Albert Einstein once said that “the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but the ones who see evil and do not try to stop it.” This means that people who see something bad and dont stop are just as bad. The world can only be saved if people try to save it and if they do not, the earth will be a terrible place. It will never be the same is what Albert einstein was trying to say when he wrote this quote. This quote relates to euthanasia. People go and try to do euthanasia and instead of the doctors trying to stop euthanasia they do something a whole lot worse. They help the people do something bad to themselves. This just like murder. The book the giver is about a utopian society in the future. A boy …show more content…

They at first might think that they are helping someone by killing them because they want to die but then after killing people for a while they may think it is ok to kill. According to you will excercise your art solely for the cure of your patients, and will give no drug, perform no operation, for a criminal purpose, even if solicited far less suggest it.. This proves how blind humans have really become to killing people. The worst thing about all this is that is legal. People are allowed to pay a person to use euthanasia and kill them. Some doctors even say that people euthanasia should be allowed for people who want to die. You don’t just take someone and kill them because they want to die. If someone wants to die then you should try to help them become a happier person so they don’t feel any of this sadness. I am also pretty sure that they are just saying that because they get paid to do euthanasia on people. In the giver a baby is being killed in the community and euthanasia has been hidden from Jonas his whole life until he finds out. When he watches a video tape of a baby getting euthanasia. He immediatly gets angry but all the other people in the community are ok with it (Lowry 146-151). The people in his community have become blind of what has been going on and our community today will do the same if we dont stop …show more content…

People who do euthanasia are careless because they dont think about how their family will feel after they do it. According to Suicide does not take away the pain it just gives it to someone else. This quote means that doing suicide is not the answer to being sad or mad because if you choose to you will give that pain to someone else. That someone else that is getting the pain is family. When you leave this world by killing your self they take the pain from you. It ruins more than just your life. In the giver the reciever before Jonas was named Rosemary and she could not take the terrible memories so she chose to do euthanasia resulting in the Giver being very sad (Lowry). This another example where euthanasia hurt more than just the one who chooses to do euthanasia. Rosemary chose to do euthanasia and it hurt more than just herself. It also hurt the