
Alcohol: A Fictional Narrative

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It was a dark, eerie night; fog in the air and almost no one visible...all except for me. It was

getting late out and I had just left the bar, after taking one too many shots, and I was heading home. All of sudden while walking down I felt a slight drowsiness, and soon it gets so bad I pretty much blackout. After a bit of time I wake up suddenly on a couch, not really surprised at myself (for it had not been my first time blacking out while drunk) I looked around a bit to try and get a sense of my surroundings and that's when I realised two things: I apparently had more alcohol (there were empty bottles all of which were open so I assumed I drank them) and there was a dead body in front of me. Holy crap! I thought to …show more content…

“Hello gentlemen what can I do for you today?”

“Hello Mark, we need a DNA analysis if you may.”

“All right, but who’s going to be the one to be analyzed?”

“Why our good man here...uh what was your name again?” The detective looks at me, I’m about answer but Jackson does it for me. “His name is Will Caspernachy, but everyone calls him Casper.” Jackson then turns to me and smiles, I then smile back.

“All right Casper, will you please follow me to the analysis table.” I do as the doctor says and I follow him to what I think is the analysis table, but what really looks a like shiny platform sent from the future. “Okay, Ben is there a specific thing you’re looking for in his body or would you just like me to scan him normally.

“I need you to look for and find any traces of alcohol, especially any that looks out of the ordinary.”

“Alright, will do.” Mark then turned towards me. “All right Casper just relax, and breathe normally this won’t hurt a bit.” I listened to him and calmed down and relaxed. As I was laying there a arm-like machine that looked like a price scanner was coming towards me. I thought it was going to hit me but it just stopped over my head and slowly scanned my body from top to bottom. Scan

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