Alexander Graham Bell Research Paper

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One of the greatest innovations worthy of mention in history is the invention of the telephone. According to Danelek (2010), the 19th century was an important era that paved the way for the growth of technology. Under the circumstances of such an aspiration for the development of technology, the idea of instant transmission of voice to anywhere emerged. Alexander Graham Bell, a British inventor, also the first person successfully designed the wire-based telephone in the 1870’s. Over the span of 120 years, it changed the world dramatically. To explore influences regarding the telephone on human, the factors that it was game-changing, the ways how it could be successful and its lasting impact will be the focuses of this passage. The telephone …show more content…

Before the invention of it, the electrical telegraph was the only telecommunication system allowing to transmitting messages over a distance. Nevertheless, according to Morris (2005), it was a limited system with the use of Morse code that was unable to carry more than one message simultaneously. Due to its shortcoming, the motivation to improve the telegraph strove Bell to create harmonic telegraph, and eventually, he succeeded greatly in creating the telephone (Morris, 2005). In comparison with telegraph, telephone enabled people to deliver only verbal messages swiftly without the use of code. According to Sterling (2008), during the war period, both telegraphs and telephones were military tools, and yet, telephones, different from telegraphs, did not require others to have any technical training before practical use (pp. 444-445). He also described that it made telephone network more flexible and capable after people developed the telephone switchboard. As a result, it was preferable to the telegraph. Therefore, its success due to easy application marked the progress of communication