Alexander Gst Personal Statement

478 Words2 Pages

Alexander Gost
Personal Statement-
I am currently studying at Honley High School where at the current moment in time I am completing my GCSE’s, the subjects I have chosen to do are: separate sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and History, as well as IT, English, Mathematics and construction. The subjects I have a particular interest in are English and Mathematics where I believe I work well independently. I also enjoy History as the study of history evokes the curiosity in me. Over the past year studying History for my GCSE’s I have found a passion for the subject as in my view I believe the past and present are inseparable in that what we are today has been shaped through the history of mankind.
I am a very highly motivated student. I work well under pressure as it helps me to meet deadlines. I also work well with teachers and other students, when working in a group; I have good leadership skills as well as good time management skills. Along with full time education I attend out of school football …show more content…

I am captivated by the diversity and depth offered by a History degree which is the main reason I would like to continue full time education at college in order to get the best grades to move on to University. I am very excited by the prospect of college and my GCSE’s have confirmed my commitment to subjects like History, English and IT and have encouraged me to expand upon my perceptions of these subjects. In addition I would like to continue my football practises in order to do so I would like to begin playing for the college so that I can expand on my team working