Alexander The Great Research Paper

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Heroes are people who are devoted to achieving greatness. Villains are people who are devoted to wickedness. Alexander the Great was a ruler in Macedonia who later went on to control the Persian empire, Greece, India, and Egypt. Alexander was the son of Philip II of Macedonia. He came to power after his father died, leaving him to be king at the young age of 20. Alexander set out to conquer the Persian Empire. First he conquered Greece and later Egypt and India. His many accomplishments are what make him famous. Alexander the Great was a hero. His heroism included his generosity to the people he conquered, he respected and appreciated their cultures, and he was determined and strong. When Alexander conquered places he was kind and fair to the people that lived there. One of the many places Alexander conquered was India. After he conquered India he allowed Porus, the ruler of India, to continue to rule in Alexander’s name. Alexander’s greatest achievement was his defeat of the Persian Empire. When he took over the Persians he allowed the remaining people to keep their religions and beliefs. His only requirement was for the Persians to fight for him in a war. Benevolence and decorum are not the only things that make up a hero. Respect of …show more content…

Alexander the Great was very respectful to the people he conquered. He respected their religions, cultures, and customs. When Alexander and his men invaded the Tyrians he announced that he would spare anyone who took refuge in a temple. This shows that even though he was invading them he still respected the temple and believed that they should not be killed if they sought sanctuary. As Alexander entered Egypt he was met with open arms. The Egyptians introduced their beliefs to Alexander and his army. Alexander accepted their culture and religion. Later the Egyptians named Alexander pharoah. Along with fairness and respectfulness heroes also need to display strength and