The Theory Of Alfred Adler On Birth Order

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According to the theory of Alfred Adler on birth order, first-born child are often place in a unique and admirable position and parents are happy with the existence of first child and willing to give more attention and time. When second born child appears, first borns will no longer receiving full focus of love and care as it is spread and shared towards the new borns. Adler (1964) referred to this as being "dethroned" by the younger sibling. Characteristics of first born includes being responsible, high in self-esteem, aggressive, organised, jealous and high achieving. The concept of power are learnt through at their early young ages of life involving on the expressive of helping, leading and protecting others. Adler (1922) found that first …show more content…

(Rogers, 1959). Carl Rogers (1951) viewed the child as having two basic needs: positive regard from other people and self-worth. Rogers believed feelings of self-esteem developed in the early age of an individuals which were formed from the interaction of children with their parents. Self-esteem will be affected by the interaction with another person who is important to the children as the grow older. According to Rogers’s theory, an individual with high level of self-esteem normally is more confident to him/herself when confront to challenges,and optimistic to deal with the failure. However, individuals with low self-esteem may be pessimistic, most of them probably will avoid to accept challenges in life and unable to believe that life is not always satisfying but sometimes it happens to be unpleasant. Rogers also stated that individuals need positive regarded which involve the ways others analyse and judge a person in daily social interaction as individuals like to being admired, cherished, and trusted by others. Positive regarded is divided into unconditional positive regard and conditional positive regard. A person is being loved and accepted by their family members or significant person for what he/she is is categorized as unconditional positive regards. This type of positive regarded will not taken way even the person had done something which is wrong thus the person will not care about the mistake they have