Taking A Look At Carl Ransom Rogers

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Abstract Carl Ransom Rogers, well-known as Carl Rogers was one of the most prominent American psychologist. He is a psychologist that practice humanism and most of his notions and work are closely related to humanism. Carl Rogers contribution to psychology was his concept self-actualization, theory of personality and his psychotherapy approach (person centered therapy). Rogers, approach and concept was widely use back then in the 1950s as many psychologist believed that his concept and approach provides a clearer understanding on human behaviour as compared to psychodynamic and behavioural approach. However, later in the present, the contemporary psychology was dominating the field of psychology and Rogers approach or work slightly loses it ground due to their limitations. Although contemporary is commonly practice in the present, it is very likely that the work of Carl Rogers will be kept in practice. Keywords: self-actualization, theory of personality, person centered therapy Carl Rogers as an Important Figure in Psychology Carl Ransom Rogers, well-known as Carl Rogers (8th January 1902 to 4th February 1987) was one of the most prominent American psychologist. Like any other well-known psychologist e.g. Freud, Adler, Jung, and Horney, Carl Rogers are also deemed as one of the pioneer of psychotherapy research. In 1956, the American Psychological Association awarded him with the Award for Distinguised Scientific Contribution for this pioneered research (Thorne &